Canada should quickly follow in Brazil's footsteps in investigating Snowden's allegations that Google gave full access to all its data for NSA. The implications on Canada's national security should be paramount unless ...
The Security Minister resigns before light is shed to the public as to the Harper's government solution to losing their Internet Surveillance bill ... get the US to do it and its co-operating American corporate partners (Google, Facebook, Microsoft ...).
Incidentally, didn't Google just come into Canada's parliament building to take pictures of the inside. I hope they haven't technical glitches like the last time when they accidentally captured everybody's home network passwords ...
Didn't Google just deliver a search platform for Canadian data banks. I thought the government just unveiled the new data retrieval portal. I wonder ... how much access to Canadian data did Harper's government give the search engine, hopefully not full clearance to all our country's secrets.
Doesn't the Harper government seem a bit too friendly with Google lately?